Hannah Wells*

Stirling, Scotland
Covering up to a 30 mile radius. Inverness visits by appointment
07488 249124 or info.inspired.equine@gmail.com

About Hannah…

IH Trainer Hannah Wells, covers a 30 mile radius of Stirling. Also visits Inverness regularly so can assist with visits in this area by appointment.

Hannah is a Stage 3 Dressage Coach and Centre 10 APEC Foundation Coach. She focuses on building confidence between horse and owner, and believes nothing is impossible with the right mindset. She specialises in working with youngsters to give them a well-rounded start to life, groundwork, loading and confidence clinics.

She was drawn to horses as far back as she can remember, having worked in riding schools and freelance over her career, she has experienced many different types of trainers, from those that motivated her to others that made her want to give up. She strives to be the former and inspire her clients to be their best horsey selves and create positive, long-lasting impressions. 

She has always known about Kelly Marks and Monty Roberts, but it wasn’t until she went to a demo and seeing them in action that she decided to turn her focus to becoming an IH Trainer. In 2024 her dream became reality.

Follow Hannah Facebook or visit her website for more information.

A Q&A with IH Trainer Hannah Wells – coming soon…

(The Intelligent Horsemanship Magazine)

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