Could your company become an IH Magazine advertiser?

IH Advertisers are hand picked for their relevance and interest to subscribers.

IH Magazine as a membership subscription magazine does not rely on advertisers but it does hold a maximum of three pages of advertising per 48 page issue. These advertisers are hand picked by Kelly and her magazine production team to best serve the membership. If you would like to put forward your company as a possible advertiser for future issues please download our media pack and get in touch.

Please bear in mind that not all companies will be suitable and that space is often booked up well in advance.

Enquire About Advertising

Why Advertise with IH?

Circulation – 4,000

Issued to members of the association and circulated to those
involved with Intelligent Horsemanship. IH Magazine guarantees
to reach a highly targeted and dedicated audience of horse
enthusiasts. Receiving excellent feedback from our readers.

Readership – 16,000

Pass on readership is circa 16,000 – as a members’ only magazine,
exclusivity promotes a higher rate of pass on readership.

Audience Profile

  • Discerning horse owners – looking for an alternative to traditional horsemanship
  • Mostly female
  • Generally leisure riders although some competitive, professional
  • All ages but predominantly 24-70+


IH members are very discerning when it comes to choices for what is best for their horses. So IH hand select the companies that they would like to advertise with them. If you have received this communication it is because an IH member has recommended your services.

Company reg. no.: 04532067 - VAT reg. no.: 642 375832 - Registered in England and Wales IH Courses LTD. Company reg. no.: 9100054

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